Fenoga Tāoga Niue I Aotearoa - Niue Heritage Journey In Aotearoa
First exhibited at Mangere Arts Centre - Nga Tohu o Uenuku on Saturday 1st April 2023
Second iteration was at Pātaka Museum + Art (Porirua) in November 2023 closing in February 2024 .
Our third iteration of Fenoga Tāoga Niue I Aotearoa - Niue Heritage Journey in Aotearoa is now live in the Pacific Collaborative Space on Level 1 of the Herenga Mātauranga Whānui General Library at the University of Auckland.
Please click on the image above to read a book review by Inangaro Vakaafi on the Falepipi he Mafola publication.
Fenoga Tāoga Niue I Aotearoa
Niue Heritage Journey In Aotearoa
Celebrating the 30 – year journey of Falepipi he Mafola Niuean Handcraft Group Inc, based in Ōtāhuhu since 1993.
Featuring projects and treasures made by Falepipi he Mafola Niuean Handcraft Group Inc, this exhibition honours over 50 loved ones who have since passed on and the wealth of knowledges, skills and wisdom of the current members – tāoga, treasures.
From the villages of Tuapa Uhomotu, Alofi, Namukulu, Makefu, Liku, Hikutavake, Hakupu, Avatele, Tamakautoga, Mutalau and Toi, the Falepipi he Mafola Group has been meeting at the Ōtāhuhu Town Hall Community Centre in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland every Thursday from 10am to 2pm since 1993 and continues to do so. It plays an invaluable role in continuing, revolving and preserving the knowledges and practices of Niuean culture and heritage in Aotearoa.
The Fenoga Tāoga Niue I Aotearoa – Niue Heritage Journey In Aotearoa season at Pātaka represents a homecoming for some of the Falepipi he Mafola group, including founding member, Molima Molly Pihigia QSM, who spent many years living in Porirua.
In January 2024 we officially launched Falepipi he Mafola’s publication. This beautiful 500 page publication showcases the Niuean craftwork of Falepipi he Mafola - Niuean Handcraft Group with stories from 49 contributors. Published by Mafola Press and designed by Janson Chau of Alt Group @altgroup , this self-published work showcases captivating images sourced from Toaki Okano and the Falepipi archives.
If you wish to purchase a copy of the publication please contact barbara@lagi-maama.com
What People Are Saying
“Meitaki ma’ata! Such a BEAUTIFUL exhibition and stories of your amazing works together. Makes my heart sing to see your LOVE for Niue and each other, through the works in your hands xx”
— Ani
“Fakaue Lahi kia!. Fulufuluola mahaki!
So proud to see our Niuean crafts here! May this inspire our younger generation to continue these crafts so our works continue to be seen!
Love love love it!”
— Jessie Atutolu - Tulisi
“Thank you Lagi-Maama and the Falepipi he Mafola Group for showcasing important history of Niuean arts and culture journey in Aotearoa.
Collecting history of migration and generational stories of work, family, church and retaining language and culture through art is inspiration.
May God continue to bless you all and your families and the important work Curators and community collaborations together make impact change and raise awareness.”