From Savai‘i to Tāmaki Makaurau to Melbourne: A Legacy of Love, Faith and Music

However, on my regular phone calls with Mum and Dad, they always reminded me of the gift that I was blessed with, making a point of telling me that my gift was not meant to be kept hidden, and that I needed to share it, so others could be blessed too.

More Than Bilas

For musician Tali Enjalas Jenkinson, aka Vallé, pursuing and treasuring his Papua New Guinean identity has been vital in shaping the way he creates music.

Photo taken by Misa Emma's grandson Tenei Kesha

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might”.

Misa Emma Kesha

Louisa Humphry

Rekerekeu ma Abau: Connecting to My Land

From arriving in New Zealand with no money, to being honoured for her service to Kiribati culture and community in Aotearoa, for Louisa Humphry being armed with te rabakau ensures I-Kiribati knowledge and practice can be carried into generations to come.

Otintaai, handover 2020. Photo: Jo Moore, Te Papa.

My Vanua, My Practice

For artist Joana Monolagi the vanua was the classroom, and her cultural protocols and practices were her subjects. Reflecting on her practice, Joana reminds us why everything in it ties back to the vanua.

Photo credit: Raymond Sagapolutele

Fakamālō atu Tangata‘eiki, Talau-mo-Kafoa Fakatava - Thank you Dad for inspiring a centenarian family legacy

Born to a lineage of ancestral punake pedigree, Mele Suipi Fakatava Lātū shares her journey embracing her familial legacy with conviction, great passion and commitment.

Mele Suipi Fakatava Lātū

“Toku kāiga, he kānava, he fau e hē uia. My community, my heritage, a gift that is forever treasured.”

— Atafu Tokelau Community Group Inc

Falepipi he Mafola – A House of Peace

Molima Molly Pihigia shares her insight as a founding member of Falepipi he Mafola: the award-winning Niuean handicraft group bringing together a community of older persons.

People and Blessings

Kaetaeta Watson hopes to inspire others to learn and carry on the i-Kiribati culture she learned from her grandmother and aunties, and growing up in the village.

Pantograph Punch

Co-founder of Lagi-Maama Academy made a Member of NZ Order of Merit for services to culture and the arts

We profile one of our Pasifika people acknowledged in this years Queen’s New Years Honors List 2022 

Kolokesa Uafā Māhina-Tuai works for Lagi-Maama Academy & Consultancy, an educational and cultural organisation she co-founded in 2018.

Her knowledge of Tongan culture and background in art history, anthropology, museum and heritage studies has inspired her cultural and arts advocacy, curatorial practice and writings. Jan 2022.

Curious patterns - Kai Brennert

What is art in Moana Oceania? Another personal favourite: A few years ago when I lived in Aotearoa, I had the honour of meeting Lagi-Maama’s brilliant Toluma‘anave Barbara Makuati-Afitu and Kolokesa U. Māhina-Tuai. In this multi-year project, they have facilitated a range of tok stori gatherings to learn more about the various indigenous worldviews of what art is. If you’ve ever been curious about what art and culture may mean in Nauru, Tonga, the Solomon Islands or Kiribati, please find a quiet place and take some time to explore these incredible rich discussions by people from all around Moana Oceania. It’s just wow.”