Our Team

  • Hūfanga-He-Ako-Moe-Lotu Professor 'Ōkusitino Māhina

    Tufunga Fale‘i ~ Material Art of Advising

    Professor of Tongan Philosophy, Anthropology & Aesthetics at Vava'u Academy for Critical Inquiry & Applied Research (VACIAR), Vava'u, Kingdom of Tonga.

  • Kolokesa Uafā Māhina-Tuai MNZM

    Of Tongan heritage, Kolokesa has a background in Art History, Social Anthropology and Museums and Heritage Studies.

    Ph + 021 203 2063


  • Hikule‘o Fe‘aomoeako Melaia Māhina

    Of Tongan heritage, Hikule'o has a background in Anthropology, Pacific Studies and Museums and Cultural Heritage Studies.

    Ph + 021 205 6578


  • Toluma’anave Barbara Makuati-Afitu

    Of Samoan heritage, Toluma’anave has a background in community engagement, and stakeholder / relationship management.

    Ph + 021 654 571
