Lagi symbolically means Sāmoa and literally means sky. It is linked to the realm of heavenly, godly or divine beings. It also references the future and associated with taboo / beauty and chiefliness / orderliness (i.e. godliness).

Lagi (Sāmoa / Future / Sky) represents the cutting-edge approach and work that we do on Maama (Tonga / Present / Earth), with the guidance of Pulotu (Fiji / Past), as risk takers guided by light and enlightenment, where we work in imaginative, creative, innovative, eruptive and disruptive ways. And in doing so we aim and project what we do far and beyond Maama to Lagi! 

All of the above intersecting, connecting and separating pathways and journeys come together in our name Lagi-Maama. As Moana Oceania women of Tongan and Samoan heritage we were gifted the name Lagi-Maama by Hūfanga-He-Ako-Moe-Lotu Professor ‘Ōkusitino Māhina to symbolically and literally represent our ancestral lineages and connections, but also to genuinely reflect the foundation and approach of the areas that we work in, and what we do, in true service of our Moana Oceania peoples.

  • AIGA - Aotearoa Indigenous GLAM Assocation

    A.I.G.A generally means family in Samoan and is an acronym for “Aotearoa Indigenous G.L.A.M Association”. G.L.A.M is also an acronym for “Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums”.

    A.I.G.A is set up specifically by Lagi-Maama Academy & Consultancy to serve and build capacity needs of our Indigenous professionals working within and across these institutional repositories.

    We begin our A.I.G.A initiative with our first pilot focusing on Falemata’aga Museum of Sāmoa.

  • Lagi-Maama Team

    Click for team contacts and information

  • Lagi-Maama life in 'pics'