One of our core values as Lagi-Maama Academy & Consultancy is to embrace and be empowered by our Indigenous knowledge and practice of talanoa or “talking critically yet harmoniously.”

Our ancestors actively practiced talanoa, as a decision-making tool that helped, to refine the best and permanence in creative and innovative thinking throughout our wider Moana Oceania region. We draw on and utilise our collective inheritance of knowledges and skills from our ancestors, which have been passed down through our own bodies and systems of Indigenous ways of knowing, seeing and doing, where ‘talking critically yet harmoniously’ has always been part of our status quo.

These knowledge and skills are composed in culture and communicated in language, as social vessels.

Talking Critically Yet Harmoniously

Tibuta – Kinaakiia Ainen Kiribati Tibuta – Identifies Kiribati Women -Photo provided by Te Papa

Saturday 7th October 2023

Tibuta – Kinaakiia Ainen Kiribati

Tibuta – Identifies Kiribati Women

Pātaka Art + Museum

Cnr Norrie & Parumoana streets, Porirua, NZ

Saturday 18th November 2023

Fenoga Tāoga Niue I Aotearoa

Niue Heritage Journey In Aotearoa

Opening Saturday 18th November 2023 - Saturday 11th February 2024

Pātaka Art + Museum

Cnr Norrie & Parumoana streets, Porirua, NZ


Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland